Sep 28th(sat) / Seoripul Festival
Sold out

This is a free performance. Other performances are paid.

silent disco, wireless headphones, party

Reception booth open : 20:00

TIME : 21:00 to 23:00 (Time may change. We will inform you if you change.)


Seocho Station Road Stage

This ticket does not ship. After booking, the status will be marked as being prepared for delivery. After the performance, the status will be changed to delivery completed.

Ticket cancellation is possible at any time until 18:00 the day before.

This is a free performance.

Copyright ⓒ SILENT DISCO KOREA 2024


Company. 사일런트 디스코 코리아 주식회사

Name. 대표 김철환 / Biz License 639-88-02779

Address. 서울특별시 구로구 구로동로 188, 1층(구로동)

Tel. 010-8817-9600 / E-mail.

통신판매업신고번호. 2024-서울구로-0515

이용약관 / 개인정보처리방침 / 사업자등록정보확인

호스팅 서비스 제공 : (주)아임웹